Project Readme

(Download "Readme.txt")

Initialization Procedure:
1. Put Island on the stable ground.
2. Plug the emulator onto Island and connect the emulator to the computer properly.
3. Connect the power (+5V +9V, -9V) to Island properly.
4. Rebuild and run the program.

Main Operation Procedure:
1. The 4 LEDs will be on and off following certain pattern. This indicates that Island starts to work.
2. Then 4 LEDs will be all on. Press "Enter" on the keypad to enter the menu part.
3. The green LED indicates that Island is in menu part and is waiting for further instruction from the keypad.
4. Press "NUM" for certain times to make sure that the NUM-Lock LED on the keypad is on.
5. Then press "1" to enter mode 1 (sound control); press "2" to enter mode 2 (keypad control); press "3" to enter mode 3 (free run).
6. When Island is in any of the 3 modes, press "Enter" to go back to the menu part.

Mode 1 (sound control) Operation Procedure:
1. Island is waiting for the sound source.
2. Shout to Island. Island will turn to you first; then move to you for 3 seconds.
3. Then Island will wait for further sound source.
5. Press "Enter" to exit mode 1 and go back to menu.

Mode 2 (keypad control) Operation Procedure:
1. Island is waiting for the keypad instruction.
2. Press "NUM" for certain times to make sure that the NUM-Lock LED on the keypad is off. Island only responds to function keys such as "up-arrow", "down-arrow", "left-arrow" and "right-arrow". It will NOT respond number keys.
3. Press "up-arrow" to move Island forward.
4. Press "down-arrow" to move Island backward.
5. Press "left-arrow" to turn Island to the left.
6. Press "right-arrow" to turn Island to the right.
7. Press "Enter" to exit mode 2 and go back to menu.

Mode 3 (free run) Operation Procedure:
1. Island will move forward by itself.
2. Island will check the obstacle in front of it every 3 seconds.
3. If Island detects the obstacle in front of it, it will move backward first and then turn left. After turing left, it will keep moving forward.
4. Island can detect different distance from the obstacle. Island will move backward for longer distance if the obstacle is closer to it.
5. Press "Enter" to exit mode 3 and go back to menu.